My 10-day cleanse, Day 7: Candy, candy, everywhere

Kerry Crisley
2 min readNov 1, 2020

Candy, candy, everywhere / Chocolate dark as ink / Candy, candy, everywhere / Pour my smoothie down the sink (with apologies to Samuel Taylor Coleridge).

Day 7 was Halloween. In years past, when my kids were still trick o’ treating, my strategy on candy was to buy the stuff I wasn’t crazy about: Nerds, Skittles, Starburst, and the like. (don’t @ me, I’m more of a chocolate over straight sugar kind of person).

Then my kids became teenagers. Deeming themselves too old to traverse the neighborhood for sugar, they now advocate for which kinds of candy we should hand out (so they can hoard the leftovers). And because I’ve raised them right, it’s all chocolate. Sigh.

Photo from Good Housekeeping

Normally this isn’t a problem, because my teens will happily unload me of my cocoa burden and stash it in their rooms. Amidst Covid, however, last night was different. They couldn’t have friends over to game, watch horror movies and binge Twix. It was the four of us, hanging out, answering the rare doorbell ring, and celebrating the life of Sir Sean Connery by watching “The Untouchables.”

And you know what? It was fine. Like really, truly OK. My kids snacked on my favorite chocolate bars while Jimmy Malone and Elliot Ness stormed the whiskey trucks on the Canadian border. I sipped my smoothie (a blend of spinach, spring mix, pineapple, mango, mixed berries, banana, flaxseed and water. And all was right with the world. Weird, right?

There’s more. In addition to zero vertigo and fatigue and very mild tinnitus, my complexion has improved. The suitcases that have taken up residence under my eyes are shrinking. And my sclera are noticeably whiter and brighter.

A little over a week ago, I was a dizzy exhausted mess. I picked up a copy of J.J. Smith’s 10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse and a little voice whispered in an Irish brogue, much like Jimmy Malone, what are you prepared to do? I’m glad I listened. And as a certain Chicago beat cop would say, here endeth the lesson (rest in peace, Sir Sean).

Overview of Day 7:

Meniere’s Symptoms:

  • Dizziness/Vertigo: None
  • Tinnitus: Mild
  • Fatigue: None

Cleanse-related symptoms noticed: hunger (mild), irritability (none), coldness (mild)

Grade for the day: B+



Kerry Crisley

Author of Summer of Georgie. Writer of women's fiction. Wife. Autism mom. Dance mom. Rescue dog mom. Lover of books & nature. She/her.